Monday, May 16, 2005

SEO Analysis Assignment

You will be analyzing a web site for Search Engine Optimization efforts. Choose an English-language, non-commercial web site from Yahoo's Directory. The best sites will have specific and focused content.

Submit a report, in paper format, on Wednesday, May 25, at the beginning of class, that covers the following:

1) What is the URL of your chosen site?
2) Why did you choose this site?
3) Do you think the site participate in any paid-listings, on any major search engine? Explain.
4) List what YOU believe to be the three most important keywords or phrases for the site. Explain why you chose these.
5) List what you think THE SITE believes to be its three most important keywords or phrases. Explain your answer.
6) Explain how currently the site incorporates location/frequency methodologies.
7) Explain how the site can improve its location/frequency methodologies.
8) What off-the-page methodologies do you think work in favor of the site. Include Google's new "credibility-based" factors in your analysis.
9) Can you find any signs that this web site uses any grass roots techniques to drive traffic to its site?
10) Explain a word-of-mouth campaign that would drive traffic to the site.


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